How to Stay Motivated Throughout Your Recovery Journey

recovery motivation

It can also lead to cognitive factors such as decreased impulse control and difficulty managing emotions, further impacting motivation. Addressing these neurological and cognitive changes is crucial in maintaining motivation during addiction recovery. Furthermore, motivation gives a purpose and meaning in their journey. When someone knows why they want to stay sober, such as rebuilding relationships, achieving personal goals, or improving their health, they are more motivated. Having purpose gives them strength in tough times and gives them the motivation they need to continue.

  • They can recommend treatments that may help, which may include psychotherapy or medications to treat underlying feelings of depression or anxiety.
  • By setting targets, individuals can map out their path toward recovery.
  • Benefits of motivational interviewing during rehab are significant in helping individuals overcome addiction.

Overcoming addiction quotes

recovery motivation

Recovering from addiction requires great fortitude and perseverance. If you find yourself wavering, be buoyed by the love of your family and friends, guided by the advice of recovered addicts who have walked the same path, and encouraged by these quotes. Rather it is the conditions for a radically better recovery motivation life, with robust health, positive relationships, and the time and energy to both fulfill your responsibilities and pursue your passions. To overcome addiction, you need to decide it internally, casting aside your previous denials and excuses and abandoning your old patterns of thinking and ways of life.

recovery motivation

Best Films About Addiction and Sobriety

Self-care can even extend to focus more on your individualistic values, such as your spirituality and coping mechanisms. This might be through reading a religious text, mediating, or attending a religious gathering.

Surrounding oneself with a supportive network

recovery motivation

Visit our rehab directory today to find addiction treatment near you or call the below number to discuss your options. One of the best TED Talks for addiction, this 10-minute video clip from former Miss USA, Tara Conner, is all about her personal experience with substance use. The best TED Talks for addiction and recovery, along with other powerful YouTube videos to play for clients in a treatment setting – or for yourself or for anyone who desires to learn more about substance use. Without specific time frames for each action step in your plan, it’s all too easy to drift and put things off.

  • Many people who are discouraged by their behaviors use quotes as tools to build motivation and encouragement.
  • Being of service to others in recovery can also light up the fire of motivation.
  • Some of the most helpful strategies for dealing with cravings are summarized in the acronym DEADS.
  • But, motivation can come externally too, like having a strong support system.
  • Having purpose gives them strength in tough times and gives them the motivation they need to continue.

Breaking long-term goals into achievable bits allows people to recognize progress more often, keeping motivation high. Also, refocusing mindset means redirecting thoughts away from anything that might hinder progress. Replace self-defeating beliefs with empowering ones, like understanding that recovery is a lifelong process with highs and lows. Adopting a growth mindset helps to view setbacks as learning experiences. Understanding why someone feels unmotivated is key in helping them develop tailored strategies and interventions. By resolving those underlying issues, one can create hope and internal motivation on the path to recovery.

recovery motivation

Chris Herren Speaking on His Addiction Recovery Story PeaceLove (

These 100 quotes can help you understand why you turn to alcohol or drugs, galvanize you to confront your substance abuse, and inspire you to fix it. That’s a personal decision but first look for people who are positive, healthy, and available. Likely candidates will include friends, family, co-workers, healthcare professionals, peer supporters, faith leaders, and support group members or sponsors. Talk about your needs with them and discuss how they may be able to assist you with specific parts of your plan.

  • This driving factor pushes individuals ahead in the face of challenges and hurdles.
  • Renew motivation after a relapse by reminding oneself of the reasons for pursuing recovery and recommitting to the process.
  • It powers an individual’s commitment to recovery and assists them to beat obstacles.
  • Having people who understand and believe in the recovery journey provides encouragement and strength.
  • They focus on emotional and spiritual healing, in addition to abstaining from substance use.
  • Plus, engaging with the sober support community gives access to resources and info which motivate.

Personal Stories and Inspirational Resources for Motivation


Addiction as a motivational behavior

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