A further plausible argument against Universalism is the alleged danger of teaching the larger hope

A further plausible argument against Universalism is the alleged danger of teaching the larger hope

Those who so argue surely forget what their words involve if true. They involve a serious reflection on the Creator (a) who permits His children, made in His Image, to descend to such an abyss of degradation that only an endless hell can restrain them from sin; and Who, (b) knowing this, yet conceals, or permits to be concealed, from the vast majority of men this necessary antidote to sin; and Who, (c) in the Old Testament, gave a special revelation of Himself, and said nothing or almost nothing of it. And this cry of danger has been used against every improvement, moral, social, or scientific.

Can a single sin be named which it has banished from our midst?

Having premised this, I meet the objection frankly by saying – look at the verdict of history.

Read moreA further plausible argument against Universalism is the alleged danger of teaching the larger hope