Most people with alcohol and drug addiction survive : NPR

sober success stories

Kate uses healthy coping mechanisms like writing and exercising. She now understands that her addictive behavior was rooted in negative emotions, and she now knows how to better manage them. Bill was able to lay to rest all the guilt, shame, resentment, and abuse that haunted him by addressing his childhood traumas.

Esther Nagle: How Yoga Helped Her Conquer a 20-Year Alcohol Addiction

sober success stories

She got herself a sponsor then attended 90 meetings over 90 days. She was eventually hired as a janitor at the treatment center where she first cleaned herself up. At this point, Becki wasn’t committed to becoming substance-free, just staying warm and off the streets. To remain in treatment, though, she had to stay clean. This was initially responsible for her sobering up.

  • This has seen many people spending their time and money starting remodel projects on their home just to wind up having to hire a construction company in Freehold anyway.
  • He discovered a love for writing, which became a therapeutic outlet for him.
  • She says something happened to her at that point, and her mindset shifted.
  • Are you tired of the same constant activities like boating or other outdoor activities that are close to your home or hiking in places you’ve…

Sober Celebrities Share Recovery Stories to Inspire Others

sober success stories

I couldn’t wait for the workday to end so I could get to my car and have a good dose of alcohol from the bottle under the seat. It all started on a typical evening drive back home from a date with my wife. I reached into my pocket and felt the cold touch of the mini sober success stories bottles of liquor I had hidden there. That was the moment I decided to quit drinking. The realization of lying and hiding hit me like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the damage drinking alcohol was doing to my life, my mental health, and my relationships.

A Look into the Lives of Those Who Sought Drug Abuse Treatment

  • Stay dedicated to your recovery plan, even when faced with challenges.
  • And I’m now able to be more present with, and for, my wife of 13 years.
  • This inspiring story shows that it’s never too late to become substance-free and that it’s perfectly possible to achieve your dreams, no matter how old you are.
  • Navigating social situations as a sober person was a challenge at first.

David’s addiction to gambling and alcohol nearly destroyed his life. He lost his job, his home, and his relationships. A close friend intervened, encouraging David to attend a 12-step program.

sober success stories

Prescription Drug Addiction Facts and Statistics

The gray area just kind of becomes a little less. There’s a whole world that is so celebratory and celebrates you finding your truth. It’s a thing where you’ll say, “I’m a month sober,” and people will be like, Congratulations!

There’s got to be that internal surrender for sobriety to happen. It keeps you really connected to other people. Maybe the most striking part of Patrick’s personality is his acute self-awareness. It’s a trait that he sharpened while in recovery, and it’s a significant reason why he’s finally found so much success staying sober.

sober success stories

  • My life isn’t consumed by alcohol, drunkenness or desperate thoughts about finding my next drink.
  • In addition to research, writing, and teaching, Brown has been sober since May 12, 1996.
  • I also joined a support group and found an online community of people who are also in recovery, which helped improve my self-esteem.
  • Established author, podcast host, and sober midlife coach Kate Baily details her journey to sobriety and the lessons she learned.

My University asked me to leave and everything came to a halt. It was the catalyst that led me to surrender. Finally, at the behest of his coworkers and boss, he ends up in a rehab that specifically caters to gay and lesbian patients. Once his 30 days are up, he has to figure out how to return to his New York City lifestyle sans alcohol. Burroughs’ story is one of triumph and loss, professional success and personal failure, finding your way to sobriety, falling into relapse, and starting all over again.

sober success stories

  • But they struggled with how to have that life without alcohol.
  • Realizing the damaging effects of alcohol on my life, mental health, and relationships was the turning point for me to quit alcohol.
  • His lyrics and music are also significantly relatable to those struggling with depression and addiction.
  • There weren’t a lot of things to do near my school except drink.
  • Check out our picks for the best addiction and recovery memoirs.
  • Whether you’re a physician, nurse, or administrator, a Mac can significantly enhance your efficiency and productivity.

“In 2005, I was out getting high and fell 20 feet and broke my back and my wrist, but I stayed out. I told my mom I was going to die from this disease, that it was my destiny. Gina is an outgoing person, hence, her soul that shines through her eyes. Without hearing her story, you would never understand the trials and tribulations she endured to make it to where she is today.

Personal Growth and Self-Discovery

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