Hangover headaches: Possible cures, causes, and when to seek help

why does alcohol give you a headache

Moreover, people who drink alcohol may not drink as much water, intensifying the water loss. It may also trigger headaches related to headache disorders, such as migraine. If drinking alcohol appears to be a potent headache trigger for you, then, by all means, abstain from it. But if alcohol causes migraines a cocktail with friends once in a while or a glass of wine with your dinner on Saturday night does not seem to trigger a bad headache, then it’s probably OK. Talk to your doctor about any concerns and about whether it is safe to drink alcohol with any medications you are taking.

  • In fact, around 30 percent of people who experience recurrent migraines report alcohol as a trigger.
  • It presents some home remedies to treat your headache until the hangover passes.
  • The best way to avoid developing a headache after consuming alcohol is to drink in moderation.

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As you work with your doctor on next steps, it will be important to maintain access to reliable resources on migraine. We recommend a look at our patient guides, which include useful information including how to talk to your doctor about migraine. Receiving a formal migraine diagnosis is the first milestone when working with your doctor to identify a personalized and effective treatment plan. Continuing to talk with your doctor throughout the course of your treatment is important for determining the strategies that prove beneficial and those that may not be as effective.

why does alcohol give you a headache

Other effects of drinking alcohol

If alcohol is a headache trigger for you, think before you drink. In other words, the best treatment for a cocktail headache is actually preventing one in the first place. Before consuming a cocktail, ask yourself if it is worth developing a headache over and ruining your celebration or holiday. If you develop a cocktail headache, stop drinking alcohol and go someplace where you can rest comfortably. Drink lots of water to rehydrate your body and help flush the alcohol from your system.

  • Congeners are more likely to produce a hangover or make a hangover worse.
  • 2020 research shows that females are more likely to experience hangovers, memory problems, and liver disease from consuming alcohol.
  • It’s essential to build a support network of understanding people who can not only check in on you during an attack but also empathize with your experience.
  • Top-shelf brands not only taste better but may also be less likely to prove a migraine trigger.

Types of Alcohol-Related Headaches

These individuals commonly cite wine, especially red wine, as a migraine trigger. A 2016 review notes that alcohol may trigger a tension headache, especially if a person also has migraine. The research found that 21% of people with migraine say that alcohol is a tension headache trigger, compared with just 2% of people without migraine. It has been suggested that a tendency to experience alcohol-induced headaches could be genetic. And researchers suggest that experiencing an unpleasant effect from drinking alcohol may alter alcohol consumption. Red wine is the type of alcohol most often reported as a headache trigger.

why does alcohol give you a headache

More than half of those who experience cluster headaches say that alcohol is a trigger. A tendency toward migraine may also play a role in hangovers, especially hangovers that cause migraine-like headaches. A 2014 survey of 692 students, 95 of whom had migraine, found that those with migraine were more likely to experience migraine-like symptoms during a hangover.

Alcohol-induced headaches: Evidence for a central mechanism?

why does alcohol give you a headache

Prioritise your health and make responsible choices when it comes to drinking. If you consistently experience severe headaches after drinking, consulting a healthcare professional for personalised advice and guidance is a good idea. If alcohol is a confirmed trigger for your migraine, then avoiding alcohol is the best solution. If you’re unsure whether alcohol is triggering your migraine, keep a detailed migraine journal that includes any foods and alcohol consumed throughout the week.

why does alcohol give you a headache

What Are the Symptoms?

Can Alcohol Trigger Migraine Headaches?

  • My prescriptions generally go to the pharmacy and not the liquor store.
  • Exercise, laughter, or meditation might be better ways to blow off steam.
  • More than half of those who experience cluster headaches say that alcohol is a trigger.
  • This uncertainty makes it difficult for many people who want to responsibly enjoy alcohol during the holidays or on special occasions to effectively manage their migraine symptoms.
  • Hangovers can affect pretty much anyone who has had too much to drink.
  • The pain is very real, but scientific evidence for the reasons behind this phenomenon is lacking.

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